The CREATE Project’s invites writers, photographers and artists to submit their work to their “Tell Your Story” Program, on the premise that the academic, historical, and social value these works will contribute to the society and community in which we live.

The program’s academic, historical, and social value is outlined below.

Academic, historical, and social value of the Tell Your Story Program

Writing, Art and Photography:

  1. lets adult and youth students and other individuals to learn things about themselves.
  2. brings people closer to their culture and nature. 
  3. may involve traveling into various places which will help people learn the importance of these places and the culture of the people living in that place.
  4. refers to the practice of making pictures and telling stories as different forms of art.
  5. can teach people to appreciate the each other, environment and nature.
  6. lets people realize the beauty and complexity of even the simplest thing
  7. helps youth and adults to be aware on what is happening in their environment
  8. helps people see what is happening in the society such as what issues need immediate actions and what problems are remained unseen.
  9. keeps individuals from thinking in a boxed manner as experience and express what is outside the classroom.
  10. enables to see how different systems works or what is the importance of systems to them and the people around them.
  11. enables youth and adults to experience things that they would not be able to acquire and learn in a typical classroom setting
  12. allows individuals to be more creative and learn to find views and angles
  13. enables people to learn how to transform a scratch from something into something tangible
  14. can open doors for individuals to give them a lot of opportunities in the future.
  15. Unlike many popular career paths, the need for a photographer is one that will surely be always around. There will always be events that need to be recorded through the art of photography. Being a photographer would be a very nice part time job for students who have the passion and creative mind.
  16. lets individuals to learn things about themselves and to discover and develop what kind of person they are.   
  17. empowers people, giving them more joy in life.
  18. enables people to formulate ideas about themselves through the pictures and stories they create.
  19. helps people develop skills that are less known to them by bringing them closer to their culture and nature
  20. may involve traveling into various places which will help individuals learn the importance of these places and the culture of the people living in that place.
  21. helps people to treasure not only the richness of their own culture but also of the cultures of other people.
  22. helps develop the well-being of individuals as they get to have various experiences that will lead them to learning things they can apply in each step they will be making in life.
  23. enables individuals to meet other people who will teach them to interact with others
  24. are our recorded memories that tell us much about our lives and world – and our constant desire to distill our most important moments into images and words.
  25. preserves important events and people in our lives: everyday moments, ceremonies of birth and birthdays, marriages and anniversaries, holidays and new houses are all recorded because they matter.
  26. are our personal story, a timeline of our lives filled with faces and places that we love or are relevant in our lives which we can share with others.
  27. form a narrative of our lives and can help individuals in their search for identity
  28. are part of our legacy and will probably outlive us so later generations may catch a glimpse of our lives
  29. freeze moments of peoples lives that pass unremarkably and which seem to have little importance to us at the time but whose significance might be for others who search for meaning of people, places, or experiences that once were.
  30. can be a small piece of a jigsaw that completes the larger picture of our lives.
  31. allows people to share and to communicate speaking to the best and most generous part of our human nature – the desire to share what we find beautiful and interesting with others.
  32. allows us to express ourselves through an art form. We notice people and experiences, objects and environments and want to capture it through the act of creation.
  33. are complex languages that allows us to express joy and sorrow, wonder and sympathy and every human emotion
  34. makes people search for other things that often go unnoticed
  35. can give people a language to express things for which they can find no words or through images, narratives, poetry, or song. Because these art forms allow fuller expression and thought clarification, they can encourage exploration of feelings and emotions: grief, anger, bliss, joy, fear, hopelessness.
  36. has power to move us, grab our attention and speak directly to our emotions, and frame the world around us.
  37. can motivate, inspire, and educate.
  38. can help people, build confidence, solve problems; innovate, to clarify things through understanding; and use their imagination;
  39. help people empathize, express themselves, develop tangible and interpersonal skills and communicate
  40. can help people build their mental, emotional, and physical health.
  41. can be used to capture our surroundings with a realistic, objective, or subjective approach.
  42. impacts and shapes the way we remember things from our past From global-scale events to domestic and familiar occurrences
  43. helps to diffuse the objective information through the capture of certain things as they really are or are perceived to be.
  44. allows the people to familiarize themselves with environments,  cultures, and experiences.
  45. has yielded better mental, emotional, and physical health benefits and has been shown to alleviate stress levels that can ward off severe illnesses
  46. can entertain, foster artistic expression, to stimulate imagination, and clarify thinking
  47. can help individuals learn to read and write and think abstractly
  48. can help people connect with one another and promote the kind of atmosphere we want in our homes and community
  49. cultivates essential real-world skills such as collaboration and creativity and provide youth and adults with an engaging and well-rounded education
  50. empowers people and give them ownership so critical to their motivation.  It can provide them essential practice at partnering with their peers in a world where more effective collaboration is sorely needed.
  51. can help children and adults develop a sense of community and emotional skills to channel their emotions; and learn how to manage in a difficult situation.
  52. helps children and adults in their ability to focus, improves their dedication and commitment, skills which employers look for in a candidate.
  53. help individuals improve intellectual skills through sentence structure, vocabulary, use of punctuation, and aesthetic, artistic and photographic image composition.
  54. Helps individuals develop creative thoughts, use their imaginations, suggest alternatives, improves their logical skills, broaden their thought process and problem-solving abilities; and to show their opinions and develop their voice.
  55. helps to improve organization skills as the artist or writer plots out a storyline or creating or composes a picture. A person can develop organization and create drama or surprises through their story, art, or photograph.